This week's trip started at the Charlotte town beach. Charlotte is one of 3 towns in Vermont named for women. The others being Sharon and Cabot. OK, that last one is tricky since it was the woman's last name.
When I arrived there were a bunch of birders. They were starting to pack up so I didn't get a picture. I took this one a couple of years ago when a rare asian gull was hanging out locally. Just imagine there's snow. The attractions this time were mergansers and goldeneyes (both ducks)
We put in off to the side in a rather tame seal launch.

I jokingly suggested going down the steep stairs to the summer swimming area. More of a bobsled launch.

Once out of this sheltered area we were in real wind & waves. Gotta get a waterproof camera sometime...
We went south (upwind) as far as Converse Bay to see how the ice was doing there. It looked like the wind has swept it pretty clear. About that time it peaked at around 30 knots. Fast waves were bouncing off the cliff creating a confused zone with waves going in multiple directions. WHen they ran into each other water spurted up ~5 feet in the air. If they ran into each other under your kayak you didn't go that high, but there was a definite elevator feeling.
It would have been a great day for our big wild weather fans, Sam and Chris. Sam was skiing and Chris is off kayaking the Yangtze River for a few weeks.
From there we went a few minutes out into the lake to get a clear surf ride back.
That strong south wind has given us a thaw today (57F in the southern part of the state) and the Plattsburg Ferry is closed because all the ice blew up to the north end of the lake.